I'm not 16 years old.
I did go to college, graduate, work, pay my own bills, get published, make mistakes, learn from them, have my heart broken, and only to be confused with a 16 year-old!
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I'm going to the All-Ivy Halloween Party tonight. What should I be?
The 11th Annual All-Ivy Halloween Masquerade Ball is being held thisFriday, October 28th, 2005. Entertainment is being provided by BostonParty Makers and dress is costume or creative black tie. A cash barwill be available, and hot and cold hors d'ouevres will be served.Positive ID is required. Price per person: $20. Starts at 9:00pm, endsat 1:00am.The sign up link is: http://www.harvardclub.com/events/halloween05.php(BTW, the Harvard Club tells me they have had problems updating theirsign-up list online but currently have about 160-200 people signedup.)